Weekend translation
#09 She’s my Lady
今回のお題は「She’s my Lady」

This song is one of the pieces of music that was common in the old generations. It has a lot of passionate lyrics.

Okay, great. The lyrics are romantic.

In these lyrics, the expression “I will protect you even if I turn this world into my enemy,” and “I don’t care what people will think of me.” do not mean that she has really committed any crime. These are metaphors meaning “I will help you no matter what happens.”

While talking on the phone, the couple has a fight and he hangs up in the middle of the conversation.
He hangs up the phone, but later he regrets it when he sees a picture of himself with her. He remembers his days with her and realizes that he loves her deeply.

“Before I could tell you till the end” It’s a little bit awkward. So “before I could get to the end” yeah I would just say that. “I had put the phone down.” Is he angry?
声も途切れに…「till the end」は少し変だね。「get to the end」と言うよ。で、「受話器を置いた」彼は怒ってるんだね。

Yes, and… this is an old song, so I directly translated “I had put the phone down”. This is the handset of an old landline phone. Sounds strange?

I would say “slammed the phone down”, you know, the old phones were kind of strongly… could actually proper way to say “slam the phone”, or simply “hung up the phone”. Yeah, when you say it like “hang up on someone” and then means you cut them off.
怒ったときに勢いよく電話を切ったってのは「slammed the phone down」だよ。単に「hung up the phone」でもいい。「hang up on someone」で誰かの会話をいきなり切ったことになる。

How do you express “got angry and hung up the phone” when using a smartphone today?

We still use that, but I think this is good for some romantic scenes. Maybe “slam the phone” now.
今もhung upは使うし、恋愛のシーンには適してると思うよ。今は怒ってスマホの電話を切るときは「slam the phone」が一般的かな。

My petty pride replaced some words. my pride…my…worthless pride…I think we can take out the word “petty”. It’s correct but doesn’t sound right… “replaced” is not poetic. We need something else. It sounds too matter-of-fact. Sometimes it’s a little hard to keep the original phrase. Let me see for a minute.



Maybe like “I have my pride instead of what I wanted to say” Maybe something like that. Now there are many many choices if we’re talking about. Because there are many expressions like that like in these kinds of love songs. Like I still have my pride, you know…

“I don’t want to leave you as a memory.” what does that mean?

He doesn’t want to treat her as a memory like a photograph.

Ah…okay. I think you would translate to… yours is quite good. “I don’t want to leave you as a memory. Even if I lost everything.” Yeah, sounds great. I think that sounds like a love song to me.
ああ…うん。じゃあこのままでいいんじゃないかな。「思い出にしたくない すべて捨てても」うん、いいよ。ラブソングの歌詞だもんね。

“Even if I turn this world into my enemy,” okay, maybe just that line we could treat a little bit.
…You know, the hardest thing is not to totally change this… So yeah, I think it’s okay the way it is. It’s like a literal translation rhymes. I don’t think anything’s changed.
変えよう言ってたやんか( ノД`)先生面倒くさがってませんか( ;∀; )

Ah, so just this one. Yeah, you’re quite a good translator. I just switched it to work “Next time with me.”
“I will protect you from” actually in a song, you could say anything.” It’s not “protect you from everything” yeah I said I won’t change that. It’s actually good for a song.

Yeah, good translation.
She’s My Lady
“This is the last call.” I hanged up.
Before I could get to the end, I slammed the phone down.
I had my pride instead of what I wanted to say.
The room is filled with pain.
In this picture, you are smiling.
I don’t want to leave you as a memory.
Even if I lost everything.
Oh, lady. She’s my lady
Can’t get you out of my head, not even for a second.
Even if I turn this world into my enemy,
I’ll never let you go to anyone.
In my childhood, whenever I felt sad or frustrated,
I would climb up on the roof of my house by myself.
Excited to share those memories with you.
You chuckled and said, “Next time with me.”
I wanted you to know everything about me.
It was awesome to feel even closer to you.
Lady, She’s my Lady
My life isn’t worth living without you.
I will come to see you and hold you in my arms tonight.
Oh, Lady,
Share your sorrow, your pain, your joy with me.
Even if I turn this world into my enemy,
I will protect you from anything.
Lady, She’s my Lady
You’re always on my mind.
I don’t care what people will think of me.
I’ll never let you go to anyone.

We rarely hear such passionate lyrics in our daily lives…
Y2 used to say that he would sing about his unspoken feelings. He must have a very devoted personality.

I do think that men don’t show their feelings for their partners. Just like my husband…It is what it is. We’ve been married for six full years. We are getting along together I guess.