Weekend translation
#06 夜間飛行

Do you have some lyrics?

Yes, this is another romantic lyric. The title of the song is “Midnight-Flight”.
Story of a lovely couple. They are lovey-dovey.

Lovey-dovey lol

A man is meeting up with his girlfriend. They are about to go on a date.
They haven’t been together very long. They haven’t made any concrete plans for the future yet, but they are very happy at the moment.

He treats her very carefully and affectionately. Listening to this song…my heart skipped a beat. I got butterflies.

Sometimes “gloom” is associated with…even though it does mean darkness or partial darkness, sometimes it is associated with depression or it is sometimes it can be in negative or have a negative meaning.
However, You can use it here for “the city as always”…

As always… Maybe we can say “as usual”. Might be a little bit better.

“As if it hides the sadness that everyone carries.”…you could start it by saying “it is as if the sadness that everyone carries”
Ok, the “gloom” makes sense.

“Sorry, I’m late, my usual words.”…
「遅れてごめん いつもの言葉に」

On every date, he is late and apologizes to her.

‘Sorry I’m late,’ I said, …
“As usual or as I always do”, It’s a bit clearer that something has happened regularly.

“Cozy up to each other”… Here “Cozying up to each other”
「cozy up」はing型にしましょうか。

Ah…I’d like to describe the action that he put his cheek on her cheek, “cozying up” makes sense?
あの…彼が彼女に頬を寄せる行動を表したかったんです。「cozying up」でいいのでしょうか?

Yes, actually “cozying up” is not specific to the cheek. It could mean like sort of sitting close, so maybe hugging or leaning on each other. So “cozying up” is more general… feeling or expression, but it’s not specific to the cheek. The fact that he can feel her cheek in his mind.
They were maybe cozying up. They were leaning on each other. You know he was hugging her and then he could feel her.
ええ。「cozying up」は明確に頬を寄せるというわけではないのだけれど、近くに座って、そうハグしたり互いに寄り添ったりということ。頬だけでなく広い意味で使えます。彼らはcozying upして、寄り添っていただろうし、彼女をハグして温もりを感じていただろうな、とは分かります。

If you want to elaborate, what you could do, what you could say is…For example, “Cozying up to each other, I pulled you close to me until I could feel your warmth on my cheeks.”
This emphasizes the action that’s maybe they’re cozying up. He’s pulling her close, he is having her, ok.
来たー!pulled you close to me until!( ゚д゚)

So the next sentence starts with until. So if we should… So either it will start a new sentence. It might be better to say “finally we reached a love that no one else knows.”

“We will see the dawn behind tenderness.”…

What we see beyond tenderness is…dawn. Does it make sense?

It’s kind of makes sense, but because these are song lyrics, sometimes it’s like a poem, right? Sometimes it’s not supposed to make sense directly. it’s like the way you interpreted. So I can understand.

Thank you again! You are an awesome teacher!

It was lovely speaking with you again. I hope to see you soon.
The evening gloom is weaving through the city as usual.
It is as if it hides the sadness that everyone carries.
Pushing through the crowds, I am heading to the place where you’re waiting for me.
‘Sorry I’m late,’ I said, as I always do.
And you laughed, as usual.
Let us depart for a midnight-flight.
I will keep you in my arms, and I won’t let you go until morning.
Cozying up to each other, I feel your warmth on my cheeks.
Finally, we reach a love that no one else knows.
When I saw your tears, I felt regret, as if I clipped my nail too deep.
My feelings for you were getting stronger and it started to overwhelm me.
What our future holds is still uncertain for now.
I just want to treasure the miracle of meeting you.
I’ll take you on a midnight-flight.
Our wandering ship is headed for the galactic sea.
We close our eyes and feel each other.
We will see the dawn behind tenderness.
Let us leave for a midnight-flight.
Our small dreams shine calmly.
I kiss and hug you passionately
until we arrive at a love that is just for the two of us.

This is a very beautiful song and very popular at his concerts. In the interlude, the stage lighting was very impressive. This is a song that I would love to listen to on a night out with my partner.

He offered this song to a Korean artist with a completely different arrangement. The arrangement is very bright, urban, and stylish.