start slow jogging

I strained my back when I carried my son. I walked for about five minutes holding him in my arms then I started feeling pain on my back especially when I bend.

Since then I had no choice but to refuse my daughter’s offer “Pick me up”…How miserable I am!

In order to develop my muscles, I started jogging from this three-days holiday.
APP: Nike Run Club


I should have read this article before start jogging…

“Walk ten minutes on Tuesday, ten minutes on Thursday and then minutes on Saturday. When you get home, stretch your calves, outer thighs, inner thighs, hamstrings, and squad a few times. Hold each of these stretches for 15 seconds. The stretches will increase the blood circulation to the muscles and will prevent injuries.”
How to start jogging at 40 years of age – a beginners guide
Wanting to know how to start jogging at the age of 40? Look no further. We are going to look how you can start jogging and running, no matter what your age!

My legs muscles have been cramping since yesterday, so they hurt.