Weekend translation

These lyrics are about a couple.

Okay. This is great, very like… this is fantastic and I will just make it more poetic. That lends itself to poetry is very very well.

“In the lobby of the movie theater, you had teary eyes, saying ‘One of the best.'”…

He remembers the day that he asked her out to the movie theater.

“Standing in the empty lobby, your eyes filled with tears.
You spoke of the movie, whispering how good it felt.”
This is something that you could do because then it also has this double entendre.
というのはどう?double entendreを導入するの。
いきなりdouble entendreの意味が分からない( ゚д゚)にも関わらず容赦ない早口で進んでいく…

Yes. She saw how good it felt, like, “how good the movie was”, but also “how good it felt” is like a very poetic way.

“The title of the film even now reminds me of the moment that I had fallen in love with you. “…

The film moved her to tears. He fell in love with her when he saw that appearance.

“Even now just the sound of the title pulls me back to that moment
that I fell in love with you.”
おお!pulls me back!(*‘∀‘)

After leaving the cinema, they slept together.

“We welcomed the morning together.”
Exchange to “dawn” or “sunrise”. Whichever one you like more.
次…「真っ白に燃えてく この想いよ愛しさよ」の箇所。

The rain had turned to snow. As the snow piled up, so did his feelings for her.

“My heart grew fonder like white snow outside. “
So this one. it’s grammatically correct, it doesn’t have the poetry that you have here. This is actually very nice. Over here we are saying, I know, piled up so did the feelings for her…
So this one is actually changed to be “As the white snow fell, my love grew with the drifts.”
「この想いはつのる 降り積もる白い雪のように」か…

Now he loves her very much. When he sees the view from the car during a weekend drive, he is sure that although the view of the city will be different one day, his feelings for her will never change.

“The scenery we see from here would change someday. But you have my word. I will always love you. “…
Mmm…like… “The scenes passing by will change with the seasons. But my word is true, and I will always love you.”
「いつかこの景色も変わってしまうだろう でも僕は誓うよ 君をずっと愛してる」か…
うーん…例えば…「通り過ぎる景色は時と共に変わりゆく でも僕を信じていて 君をずっと愛してる」とか。


They’ve had a lot of fun and a lot of pain, but it’s all because they love deeply each other. I rhymed this part.

“enjoyed ourselves”…Just changes to “laughed”. Make it some quick.
“Every memory gives proof of our love. “…mmm… “Every memory proves our love.”

You have that, that was excellent. This was purely just changing it for the poetry of it, it was great.
In the empty lobby, your eyes filled with tears.
You spoke of the movie, whispering how good it felt.
Even now just the sound of the title pulls me back to that moment
that I fell in love with you.
It was raining outside. There was a chill in the air.
Holding you in my arms, we welcomed the dawn together.
As the white snow fell, my love grew with the drifts.
I have never loved anyone this much.
Night highway on the weekend,
with you in the front seat.
we go for a drive far far away.
The scenes passing by will change with the seasons.
But my word is true, and I will always love you.
Remember how we chased our dreams together.
Remember how we laughed on the summer beach.
Remember how I made you cry that night.
Every memory proves our love.
As the white snow fell, my love grew with the drifts.
I have never loved anyone this much.
Remember how we chased our dreams together.
Remember how we laughed on the summer beach.
Remember how I made you cry that night.
Every memory proves our love.
I have never loved anyone this much.

その後確実に愛を育んでいった二人。想い出を大切にするmarried coupleにもぜひ聴いてほしい曲です。たとえ彼らが今観る映画がドラえもんでも…。後部座席で子どもたたちがアンパーンチし合ってても…。
This is the song I want to listen to on the Hanshin Highway Wangan Line.
So these two started out on a movie date. That’s nice. Were they more than friends, less than lovers? So, that movie was the beginning of their relationship.
After that, they developed their love for each other. This is a song that I would like all married couples who cherish their memories to listen to. Even if the movie they watch now is Doraemon. Even if the kids are punching each other on the back seat…